Kale & Couscous Winter Salad is a breath of fresh air, loaded with nutrients & to add more life to it just pour Homemakerz Oriental Orange Sauce.

1. Kale leaves (Small Bunch)
2. Couscous (1 Cup)
3. Tender coconut (From 1 Coconut)
4. Pomegranate (½)
5. Orange (1)
6. Salt to taste
7. White Sesame Seeds (1 Teaspoon)
8. Homemakerz Oriental Orange Sauce (½ Cup)
Step 1: Break the kale leaves
Step 2: Add 1 cup of boiled couscous, finely chopped tender coconut, ½ a pomegranate, 1 orange peeled and cut into bites
Step 3: Add Homemakerz Oriental Orange Sauce and gently toss the salad
Step 4: Garnish with white sesame seeds
Step 5: Mix well